USA Illustrated Atlas


Main features

appStore MAC Compatible Android Compatible
  • 8 different interactive maps
  • 6 game activities
  • wide range of basic US geographic data
  • Retina display support - razorsharp graphics
  • narrated state names, capitals, cities, mountains, rivers and icons
  • interactive, kid's friendly interface
  • discount for schools (Apple Volume Purchase Program)
  • no ads or in-app purchases



A highly educational interactive app with lots to learn and discover – learn about US geography in a fun and engaging way.

Explore an exciting illustrated map of the USA and discover nearly 200 natural wonders, historical places, monuments, buildings and state symbols – all with fascinating facts and information.

Learn using interactive maps, cool to know facts, references and interactive games. Touch any icon, state, landform or river to learn and know more about it. All information and fun facts are very accessible for the target age group.

Get to know the shapes, locations, capitals and a lot of facts and figures about each of the 50 states.

The app can be used for primary education in elementary schools or at home. This educational app will teach children different areas of the curriculum - geography, history, reading skills.




Cartoon map

Illustrated map of the USA containing nearly 200 colorful cartoon images related to each state, showing places and landmarks with cool facts and descriptions - a fun and engaging way to introduce kids to US geography.

States & Capitals

Map of states and their capitals - find information in Fact Boxes - nicknames, mottos, abbreviations, dates of admission to the Union, capitals, largest cities, populations, geography facts (area, width, length, highest and lowest point), state symbols, flags, seals, and much more.

Time Zones & UTC

U.S. time zones map with a description of each zone. Also find out more about UTC and GMT.

Largest Cities

Top 30 cities - learn where the major cities are located and how many people live there.

Sports In The U.S.

U.S. sports teams map - learn the names and locations of all teams from the NBA, NHL, NFL and MBL.


Map of mountain ranges including descriptions, plus a scrollable list of the 20 highest mountains and the states where they are located.


Map of major rivers - every river with a description plus a list of the 10 longest rivers.





Show what you have learned in the app. Read a sentence and choose the missing word from three available - of course you have to get the right word :-)

States & Capitals

Match the shape of the state with its name and capital city. Choose your difficulty level - easy (only the name of the state) or hard (both name and capital).

Match the pair

Find pairs for each of the states - shape and flag, shape and seal, or seal and flag. Choose your difficulty level - easy or hard (16 cards vs. 30 cards).

Find on a map

Drag & drop state capitals or state names to their positions on a blank map of the USA.

Spell the state

Spell the state - show you can spell the names of each of the 50 U.S. states.

Map puzzle

Put the puzzle pieces of the U.S. states into the correct locations on a map of the USA.


In every game you earn stars. Collect 50 stars and get US geography expert badges (bronze, silver, gold, platinum).